It's all about delivering for constituents - one balloon at a time.

Marcia Johnson was first elected to the Board of Aldermen as Alderman-at-Large from Ward 2 in November, 1999. She appreciates all the support she has received from friends, neighbors and constituents during her past campaigns.

ON THE BOARD - Learn more about Marcia's committee responsibilities, major initiatives, and other aspects of being an Alderman.

IN THE COMMUNITY - Marcia is active in a number of organizations in Newton, especially in the areas of affordable housing and youth services.

BACKGROUND - A brief personal profile.

THE CAMPAIGN TEAM - One person cannot do it alone - it takes a team. Some of the people who help make it happen for our team include the following:

Bill Sage and Margaret Hannigan, Committee Co-Chairs

Katrina McCarty, Treasurer

Ruth Dain and Martina Jackson, Campaign Consultants